
Treatment Of Welding Problems In PEX Crimp Fitting


  As for PEX crimp fitting, since it is one of the webs […]

  As for PEX crimp fitting, since it is one of the website products and keywords, in its knowledge and understanding, the following will be carried out through the question answering to promote the learning process of the product. Everyone has new learning content, and then, to deepen their familiarity with this kind of pipe.

  1. What is the standard length of PEX crimp fitting?

  The standard length of PEX crimp fitting is generally four meters each. Therefore, when we buy, we should make it clear whether it is the price of each pipe or the price of each meter of pipe to prevent mistakes. In addition, before construction, check whether the following pipe lengths meet the specified requirements.

  2. PEX crimp fitting, will it freeze in a low-temperature environment?

  Regarding this problem, in the opinion of PEX crimp fitting manufacturer Wuxi Jiangtong Plastics, it is certain and certain, but compared with other pipe materials, it is slightly better. If the pipe wall is 2.5mm. Then, it can withstand a low temperature of about minus 5 degrees; if the tube wall is 3.2mm, then it can withstand a low temperature of about minus 10 degrees.

  3. PEX crimp fitting, if there is a blockage in the pipe during the welding process, how should it be handled?

  PEX crimp fitting, if there is a blockage in the pipe during the welding process, then the treatment measure is to cut off the blockage with special scissors, and then add PPR fittings for re-welding so that it can be smoothly welded. Solve this problem.

  For PEX crimp fitting, I believe that through the above content, everyone can come to further understand and understand this kind of pipe. Moreover, for us, this is also a great opportunity to learn. Therefore, everyone should cherish and take it seriously. It is not wasted in vain, thus leaving regrets.